The annual meeting of the Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences will take place in Mons, on May 25/26 of 2023. Oriented around the main topic of Clinical Challenges and Theorical Models among their New Dialectical Relationships, the Conference is expected to be full of new ideas and exchanges.
The conference is composed of two days :
- The Junior Day (May 25th : organised by and for junior researchers)
- The Main Conference (May 26th : General meeting open to all researchers)
On the general conference day, we’ll be delighted to welcome, as main speakers Dr. Disa Sauter (University of Amsterdam - Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences - Programme group Social Psychology) and Dr. Claus Vögele (University of Luxembourg - Faculty of Human Sciences Education and Social Sciences)
Several Invited Symposia are already planned (see details on the website):
- Stress in Social Situations from Childhood to Old Age
- Consciousness, Language and Memory : from Benchmark to Bedside
- Perceptions of Justice and Legitimacy in Relations
- Sharing Is Caring: Parenting Children with Severe Disabilities in Close Collaboration with Professionals.
- Emotion Dynamics in Couples
- About Emotions
The call for abstracts is open until April 15th . Click here to submit an abstract: