The Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences is announcing a new initiative, the BAPS Early Career Award. This award will recognize the scientific excellence of researchers in psychological sciences up to 6 years after their PhD.
The Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences (BAPS) is looking for candidates for the 2024 BAPS Early Career Award. The award recognizes the scientific excellence of researchers in psychological sciences up to 6 years after their PhD. All types of psychological research have an equal chance of receiving the award regardless of the specific psychological subdiscipline or whether it concerns basic or applied psychology.
The winner will receive 1,500€ and will give a Prize Lecture at the Annual Meeting of BAPS in 2024. The winner is also invited to contribute to a paper for Psychologica Belgica.
The candidate is nominated by a full member of BAPS (self-nominations are not accepted)
The nominator provides:
All the documents are to be sent by the nominator via email to the past president of BAPS ( before February 14th, 2024
Based on the applications that are received, an external jury of senior international researchers is composed by the BAPS executive committee, in such a way that for each applicant there is at least one jury member who has expertise related to the research of that applicant.
None of the jury members have been affiliated to a Belgian University during the past 5 years before the deadline for applications. All jury members are asked to confirm that they do not have common financial interests or a familial or substantial professional relationship (i.e., supervision of PhD, co-authorship during the past 5 years, family relations, having worked in the same lab during the past 5 years, and ongoing collaborative projects with the candidate or their supervisor[s]) and to disclose any other possible reasons for a conflict of interest. Members of the BAPS executive committee who have a conflict of interest with one of the candidates will not take part in the process of composing the jury.
2024: Charlène Aubinet (click here to download the presentation of Charlène Aubinet during the Award Ceremony)
2022: Jozefien De Leersnyder
2020: Pieter Van Dessel