
Support for workshops and meetings

BAPS sponsors workshops and meetings taking place in Belgium that contribute to the development of psychological sciences and its applications in Belgium.

BAPS is sponsoring workshops and meetings taking place in Belgium that contribute to the development of psychological sciences and its applications in Belgium.

​Amount: maximum 250€ covering all types of expenses that are necessary for the scientific event (travel and accommodation for guests, renting rooms, developing a website, catering costs, …). BAPS will attribute on average 3 sponsorships/year.

Condition to apply

  • Being a BAPS member for 2 consecutive years at least
  • Organizing an activity that is explicitly relevant for developing psychology research in Belgium (being fundamental or applied)
  • Involving speakers from at least two Belgian universities

How to apply?

  • Submit a 1 page max. description of the meeting
  • Submit a list of all speakers involved, titles and abstracts of their talks
  • Submit a detailed budget
  • Send the information to Dinska Van Gucht via the following address:
  • We organize three calls per year. Applications need to be sent by January 1st, May 1st, or September 1st in order to be evaluated by the BAPS executive committee at their next available meeting

Condition to receive the sponsorship

  • Mention BAPS (and its logo) explicitly in all communication (website, mails, posters, program) as being a sponsor of the event
  • Send the pdf version of the program
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