
Best Bachelor Thesis award

BAPS biannually sponsored an award for the Best Bachelor Thesis in Psychology. This award has been discontinued (i.e., the 2020 BA thesis award was the final one).

2020 CALL IS CLOSED  - This award has been discontinued (i.e., the 2020 BA thesis award was the final one)

BAPS biannually sponsors an award for the Best Bachelor Thesis in Psychology. The purpose of the award is to recognize bachelor theses which use a scientific approach and make an original contribution to any field in psychology (clinical, social, cognitive, modelling, developmental, industrial, etc.). The winner of the Best Bachelor Thesis Award receives €500.


Candidates must have a Bachelor degree in psychology delivered by a Belgian University College. The degree must be obtained in the two academic years that precede the award year (e.g., to enter the 2020 competition, the thesis must have been completed during the 2017-2018 or 2018-2019 academic year) and the thesis must have been awarded a grade of at least 16/20. Furthermore, candidates must be members of BAPS (or have applied to become a member before the submission deadline).


Candidates must submit an electronic abstract of the thesis. The abstract should be written in English and should not exceed 2000 words. Candidates are allowed to include a maximum of 3 tables or figures (these are not included in the word count). The abstract should clearly convey the theoretical basis of the work, the methods, the main results, a discussion of the main findings, and the references cited in the abstract. Up to 3 keywords specifying the domain of the thesis should be provided. Candidates should also clearly state their name, address, telephone number and e-mail, and provide the names of their institution and their supervisor.

Candidates shortlisted on the basis of the assessment of the abstract will be invited to send a PDF of their thesis. Only bachelor theses written in French, Dutch or English are eligible. By their participation, the candidates accept the general conditions of the award.

All documents for the application need to be send to

Submissions are due by November 11th 2019. The winner is announced at the annual BAPS meeting, which will take place in Louvain-la-Neuve in May 2020. 

Past Winners (2016-2020)

2020  Aurélie Dewilde (Marie-Haps)

2018  Marlies Sijmons (Thomas More)

2016  Lieselot Van Looy (Thomas More)

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