
Best Poster Award

Since 2003, BAPS annually sponsors a prize for the best poster presented during the Annual Meeting. The purpose of the award is to foster creative poster design, to reward effective poster presentations, and to recognize the importance of poster presentations during the Annual Meeting.

Since 2003, BAPS annually sponsors a prize for the best poster presented during the Annual Meeting. The purpose of the award is to foster creative poster design, to reward effective poster presentations, and to recognize the importance of poster presentations during the Annual Meeting. Posters are judged by a panel of three members appointed by the executive committee. The winners are announced at the annual meeting. Currently, BAPS offers a prize to the 3 best posters. The prize winners receive 150 euros.


  • To be considered for the prize, a poster should fulfil the following conditions:
  • The poster must be presented during the poster session of the Annual Meeting of the Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences
  • The first author of the poster should be a BAPS member (or have applied to become member before the Annual Meeting is held)
  • The first author of the poster should have registered to the Annual Meeting at least 2 weeks in advance
  • If the first author is currently completing an Master thesis or PhD thesis, this thesis cannot be supervised by any of the three judges
  • The poster cannot be authored by any of the three judges


Posters in any domain of psychology will be considered by a panel of three to four judges appointed by the executive committee of BAPS. As part of the first round of selection, submitted poster abstracts will be assessed according to:

  • Soundness of methods
  • Importance of the problem for the research domain
  • Significance of the results
  • The posters selected after the first round will then be assessed during the poster session according to the following criteria:
  • Clarity with which the problem (hypotheses) is (are) stated
  • Identification of important variables and factors
  • Clarity of the discussion
  • Effective use of graphs and/or tables in presenting the data
  • Organization and neatness of the poster
  • Accuracy of spelling and grammar

By their participation, the candidates accept the general conditions of the award. For further information and correspondence, please contact us

Previous Best Poster Award Winners


  • Nataliia Grytsenko
  • Jeromy Hrabovecky
  • Andi Smet


  • Marion Gardier, ULg
  • Fien Geenen, UGent
  • Eléonore Giraudet, UC Louvain

2021 (see posters below):

  • Manon Couvignou, ULB
  • Gudrun Reindl, UGent
  • Simona Sankalaite, KU Leuven


  • Marie Annelise Blanchard, KU Leuven
  • Lu Leng, KU Leuven
  • Clara SGARD, ULB


  • Roos Arwen Doekemeijer, UGent
  • Anaïs Gautier, UMons
  • Best Online Talk: Nadja Bodner, KU Leuven


  • Alice De Visscher, UCL
  • Kristof Hoorelbeken, UGent
  • Michelle Hendriks, KU Leuven


  • Cynthia Van Gampelaere, UGent
  • Giulia Olyff, ULB, 
  • Stefanie Duyck, KU Leuven 
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