Dear colleague,
The 75th annual meeting of the Belgian Association of Psychological Sciences is set to welcome psychologists from Belgium and across the world to Leuven 2-3 June 2022.
We have extended the deadline for early bird registration and abstract submissions, so there is no reason to miss this great opportunity to showcase your work, meet colleagues, and celebrate with us BAPS’ 75th anniversary. The abstract submission system and the early bird registration rate will close on APRIL 8th, 2022.
We encourage submissions from researchers at all career stages. Please consult guidelines for abstract submission on the BAPS 2022 conference website.
The theme of this anniversary edition of the BAPS meeting is “Fostering synergies in Belgian Psychological Sciences: From Fragility to Force”. Check out the keynote lectures and invited symposia on the BAPS 2022 conference website.
An exciting update on the social program is that the PPW All Stars Band (a cover band featuring psychological scientists from KU Leuven) confirmed its presence for the dinner party on Thursday evening, June 2nd , which will take place at the roof terrace of Museum M in the heart of the city center. Don’t miss out this unique experience!
We are looking forward to receiving your submission and to seeing you in Leuven on June 2nd and 3rd!
Questions? For abstract submissions or any other BAPS 2022 questions, please contact
Watch the BAPS 2022 website for more updates.
Best regards,
The 2022 BAPS Organizing Committee