
An update from Psychologica Belgica

Written by Tim Vantilborgh
Psychologica Belgica

Curious to know how Psychologica Belgica, the journal of the Belgian Association of Psychological Sciences, did in 2020? Here are some facts and figures!

  1. The journal now has the following updated metrics
  2. In the first half of the year, Psychologica Belgica received 50 submissions and 54,346 page views.
  3. There are two special issues underway. We have published so far five articles as part of Psychology and Covid-19 and further articles will appear in the coming months. And we are still inviting submissions for a special issue devoted to Prof. M. Van der Linden and his intellectual contribution to the field of integrative approaches in neuropsychology and psychopathology at both fundamental and clinical levels. Please see the announcement on the journal homepage for more information. 

For a table of contents of new articles published in the past few months, go to

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