
Shortlist for the 2023 Best PhD Thesis award

Written by Tim Vantilborgh

The BAPS executive committee (EC) has now made a shortlist for the 2023 Best PhD Thesis Award. We received 9 applications (2 ULB, 2 VUB, 2 KU Leuven, 2 UGent, 1 UC Louvain) from a range of subdisciplines in psychology. Five members of the EC from various areas of psychology read the summary and impact statement of all applications except those from their own universities and those for which there was a COI (e.g., joint publications).

Three applications were shortlisted for the award:

  • L. Vermeylen (UGent)
  • O. Desmedt (UCL)
  • E. Buabang (KULeuven)

The shortlisted applications will now be evaluated by a jury of experts. The winner will be announced during the 2023 BAPS Annual Meeting on Friday 26th May 2023. 

The EC jury members were amazed by the quality of the applications that we received. As an association that promotes psychological science in Belgium, we can only be delighted to see that our junior psychological scientists are performing at such high scientific level. 

For more information on the Best PhD Thesis award, click here.

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